Monday, February 24, 2014

Studyladder Access

Studyladder is a free website where students are automatically guided through a variety of numeracy and literacy activities at their own pace.  Children have all received a User Id and Password for this website which can be used at home and school.


Everyone carries luggage (a BAG) and we decided to found out what the BAGs in our class would look like.  Everyone thought about what their Blessings, Achievements and Goals were and we published them on a BAG.  Please read your child's BAG when you are next in the class.


We read a book in class called "Scarecrows in Space".  In the story children were making their own scarecrows.  We decided we would like to make a scarecrow to put in the Pae Ake garden.

Every group deigned their own scarecrow and decided what materials they would need.  We needed so many thinks that eventually we decided to make two class scarecrows.  A boy one and a girl one.  The boy scarecrow is very cool with his shiney cold face and pirate hat.  The girl scarecrow is beautiful with her sun yellow dress and purple nail polish.  Take a look at them in our garden next time you are at school.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Guinea Pigs Visit

We were so lucky to have Gabe bring his two Guinea Pigs into class today.  The black one is called Cupcake and the dark brown and white one is called Gforce.  We are going to write a story about them this week.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Phobee the Piglet

We were very lucky to have Phobee the Piglet visit us in class today.  She is only 10 days old.  She has a sore foot because her 200kg mum stood on her by mistake.  Mrs Kenyon got to feed her her bottle of milk.  Thank you for bringing her in Mrs Palmer.