Thursday, March 21, 2013

Jets Basketball

The Jets basketball coach, Mike Kalavros, taught us how to 'dribble' the basketball.  We had some races.

Massey PE Students

We were lucky to have Dennis Slade and some of his PE students from Massey University take us for co-operative ball games.  One of his students is Kate Bradmore.  Kate plays cricket for Central Districts and for the NZ Womens Team.

Zero Gravity Cheerleaders

Courtney and Layla taught us a dance and showed us some of the backwards flips they can do.

Rugby Academy

Cameron and Travis from the Turbos Rugby Academy came and played some team games with us.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Middle Magic Team Day

The Middle Magic team had a wonderful day today.  The children got to learn about Riverdale School with Mrs Ruawai, Scavenger Hunt with Mrs Kenyon, play sports with Mrs Mercer and draw cabbage trees with Mrs Marychurch.  In the afternoon the entire Middle School went swimming together.  A great day.
Middle Team day photos

Butterfly Feeders

LC6 have learnt a lot about butterfly's this week.  We read about them, studied their life-cycle, drew them and then decided to see if we could attract more of them to our school.
We made Butterfly Feeders.  We used a mixture of sugar and water to make nectar and coloured plastic bags to make petals.  Take a look at the fantastic job we did.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Class Pet - number 3

We were lucky enough to find this beautiful caterpillar on a tree at school.  We have him in our room while we learn about him and will then return him to his tree.

Buddy class swimming

Buddy swimming photos

We had a wonderful time swimming with our buddy class today - LC3.
Lots of fun!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Free time domino fun

Well done to Solomon, Thomas and Cooper for making these wonderful domino trains.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Post Shop & Library Visit

A big thank you to the 3 fantastic mums that came on our Post Shop and Awapuni Library visit yesterday.  We can't do these wonderful trips without you.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Waitoetoe Park

More Photos

What a wonderful morning we had at Waitoetoe Park today.
The highlight had to be the big spider that Thomas's grandad found for us under a rotten tree stump.  A big thanks to Tracey (Tahlia's mum) for picking it up (what a brave women you are).
Thanks to the wonderful parents/grandparents who came along to help out.  We couldn't have done the trip without and are thankful you shared your morning with us.
Check out the videos and photos of our trip.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hedgehogs by Mia & Isabel

Mia and Isabel completed their Cloze Reading activity this week and had time to develop a well researched and creative Powerpoint to share with the class.  Take a look at their wonderful work.